2024 Pay Raises

2024 Pay Raises

Active duty and drilling Guard and Reserve members’ pay will increase 5.2% over 2023 rates. It will be the largest increase in pay in two decades. DFAS is due to issue the official pay tables in January 2024. Military pay is taxable in most States.   Basic...
GIVE HAPPY with the Combined Federal Campaign

GIVE HAPPY with the Combined Federal Campaign

  Every year, federal employees and retirees rally to support charities they choose through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). It’s amazing to see how giving a little out of each paycheck can add up to so much happiness when we all give together … and,...
National Guard Relief Foundation

National Guard Relief Foundation

The EANGUS We Care for America Foundation, also known as the National Guard Relief Foundation, is the 501c(3) charitable arm of EANGUS. WCFA-NGRF can provide emergency financial assistance (Grants and Interest-Free Loans) to the men and women of the National Guard and...